Bed Bug Treatment for Hamilton, Toronto, Burlington, Oakville & Mississauga
Finding Bed Bugs in your most private space can be a traumatic experience - and we get it.
When we designed this website, we considered how you feel at this very moment. In doing so, we made every effort to create a web experience that will inform you, and get you on the road to Bed Bug freedom, because "We take Care..."
Take a moment to review our bed bug website, we think you will find it most useful, then call us - you will speak directly with one of our Bed Bugs (Bedbugs) treatment and control experts.
Here is some information from Wikipedia regarding detection and treatment of bed bugs, and a chart showing bed bugs most common hiding spots.
Early detection and treatment are critical to successful control. According to a survey, the most commonly infested places are the mattress (98.2%), boxspring (93.6%), as well as nearby carpets and baseboards (94.1%).[1] In fact, bed bugs thrive in areas where there is an adequate supply of available hosts, and plenty of cracks and harborages within 1.5 m of the host.[2]

Because treatments are required in sleeping areas and other sensitive locations, methods other than chemical pesticides are in demand. Treatments can be costly, laborious, time consuming, repetitive, may entail health risks, and cause embarrassment to the person affected.
To read the complete article at Wikipedia, follow Bed bug control techniques